EAGLE-OCT.-web(Input Support Program for SALVIA-OCT.-web/OCTARVIA-web)
EAGLE-OCT.-web. is a program providing ship form and ship performance data from their main particulars and enables an assessment of their performance in actual seas using OCTARVIA-web and SALVIA-OCT..-web
EAGLE-OCT.-web. is a program providing ship form and ship performance data from their main particulars and enables an assessment of their performance in actual seas using OCTARVIA-web and SALVIA-OCT.-web. This program allows users who do not have detailed ship geometry and performance data to assess the performance of their ships in actual seas.
The EAGLE-OCT.-web., which is provided with interface shown below, is a web application for data input-output to and from EAGLE-OCT.-web. The output data can be used in SALVIA-OCT.-web. and OCTARVIA-index/prediction.
Output Interface (Ship geometry parameters)
Output Interface (Superstructure parameters)
EAGLE-OCT.-web. Output Data
(1) Ship Geometry Data
- Two-dimensional geometry data (draft, half beam, and cross sectional area distribution in the longitudinal direction)
- Waterplane shape and superstructure parameters
- Prismatic coefficient, wetted surface area, bilge keel (length and width), and center of gravity (lengthwise and heightwise)
- Height of transverse metacenter, natural roll period, and radius of gyration (pitch, roll, and yaw)
- Rudder particulars
(2) Ship Performance Data
- Propeller open water characteristics
- Self-propulsion factors in still water
- Parameters in load variation method
- Specific Fuel consumption data
Please see the following references for validation of the output data.
- 1) M. Tsujimoto, M. Kuroda, N. Sogihara, and A. Sakurada: Development of Empirical Formulae for Estimating Ship Performance, Papers of National Maritime Research Institute, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 91-106, 2018.
- 2) N. Sogihara, M. Kuroda, A. Sakurada, S. Yokota and M. Tsujimoto: UNITAS: Tool for supporting evaluation of ship performance in actual seas, Papers of National Maritime Research Institute, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 101-122, 2019.
Example of Estimation
The following is an example of estimation of the form and performance of an ocean-going container ship by EAGLE-OCT.-web. (excerpt)
Draft Distribution in Longitudinal Direction
Propeller open water characteristics
Half Beam Distribution in Longitudinal Direction
Self-propulsion factors in still water
Propeller Open Water Characteristics
Half Beam Distribution in Longitudinal Direction
To use this application
This application is available in full version and limited version(free).
To use this application, you must apply for membership registration which includes the signing of a written license agreement with NMRI.
Please go to the Registration page to register.
- 123,750 JPY half-yearly
- 165,000 JPY annually