
WWJAPAN cloud(Statistical Database of Winds and Waves Around Japan)

This database contains the results of NMRI’s statistical analysis of significant wave height and period, peak wave direction, and mean wind speed and direction based on the numerical weather prediction of the 10 years from February 1994 to January 2004.


WWJAPAN cloud(The Statistical Database of Winds and Waves Around Japan) consists of the results of NMRI’s statistical analysis of significant wave height and period, peak wave direction, and mean wind speed and direction around Japan. The results of weather forecast conducted by the Japan Weather The Database contains weather data of 2 minutes for 10 years from February 1994 to January 2004 were used in the analysis.


The content of WWJAPAN cloud can be used as statistical data using the interface provided as a web application, as shown below. In addition, NMRI plans to provide statistical data through an API interface suitable for data analysis of users' big data.



Output Interface

Output Interface

Example of analysis

In addition to the database service, NMRI can perform detailed data analysis for specific purposes upon request from users.

Click here for examples of analysis.

Analysis of Waves on Routes


Correlation table along the route (Tokyo - Kushiro - Tokyo Route)

To use this application

Use of this app is limited to users in Japan.