{"ops":[{"insert":"National Maritime Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology (NMRI, Director General, Takemasa Minemoto) has partially revised the privacy policy of the websites related to NMRI Cloud.\n \nDate of revision:\nSeptember 1, 2023\n \nRevision points:\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"・"},{"insert":"Limit the scope of application to the websites related to NMRI Cloud.\n・Clarified the purpose of use of personal information.\n・Added description of outsourcing the treatment of personal information.\n・Besides outsourcing, the provision of personal information to third parties is now possible with the prior explicit approval of the users.\n \nPlease refer to the following links for the revised privacy policy.\n"},{"attributes":{"underline":true,"color":"#0066cc","link":"https://www.nmri.go.jp/en/info/privacy_policy.html"},"insert":"New Privacy Policy of NMRI's websites"},{"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"underline":true,"color":"#0066cc","link":"https://cloud.nmri.go.jp/portal/pub/privacy"},"insert":"New Privacy Policy of the websites related to NMRI Cloud"},{"insert":"\n \n"}]}